Until now I haven't really spoken about my take on the Aurora shootings because I want those who survived and those who are mourning to be able to become at peace with what happened rather than be overwhelmed with the millions of opinions on what happened, but I can't help but give my opinion on how people have responded to the tragedy.
In times of tragedy I like to think there are three types of people in regard to their faith; tragic Christians, tragic Non-believers, and those who are Constant in their chosen faith.
Now, I'm all about a person finding their faith and holding strong to it through thick and thin. So is God. Unfortunately, these tragic Christians can't seem to find God in their everyday life, only in times where they have no other way to explain the powerless feeling they have when tragedy strikes. They don't see God's work in all of their accomplishments. Now, God is all about helping in times of ultimate powerlessness ( 2 Corinthians 12: 9- "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.") but more than that He wants us, as Christians, to live the life as a constant Christian with all of its benefits. Only relying on God in times of tragedy is like taking credit for all the good things He has done in your life. It isn't fair to God to keep Him away from His beautiful creation that is you.
Unfortunately, there is another group on the other side of the spectrum, the tragic Non-believers. My heart aches for these people because they lose faith in God because of a man-made tragedy. I have a slight obsession with Mumford and Son's song "Hold on to What You Believe" because it has a Christian tie. The chorus goes, "But hold on to what you believe in the light, when the darkness has robbed you of all its sight." Now, if that isn't like 2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight" I should just end this post right now! I wish every Christian, or any person of faith for that matter, would listen to this song. I haven't come across a tragedy that has made me lose my faith but I can't imagine how terrible that would feel, to lose so much hope, and so much trust in Christ. I have been fortunate enough to know that the peace that I feel with Christ in times of good, or in the light, will carry me through the darkness.
Lastly, there is a group of people that I think I relate to most. These constant Christians, or constant Believers I think are best described by the woman who wrote this post about the Aurora shooting. This woman was in the theater with her husband and kids when James Holmes attacked. Her whole family survived and praises God for that. She responds to tragic non-believers, or constant non-believers on the internet asking if Christians "still think God is a Merciful God." In the post she answers whole-heartedly YES. Towards the end of the post, she writes something that could sum up my entire post I think. She says, "God is always good. Man is not. Don't get the two confused."
I thank God for directing me to read her post because it is a constant reminder that God is good, even when tragedy strikes. I urge anyone who read this post to read the woman's post above because it is a great reminder that not everyone who was involved in the shooting lost their faith, and not everyone who goes through life's tragedies will blame God for it.
So I leave you with her words: "God is always good. Man is not. Don't get the two confused."
Love this Abby, thank you!